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Age ratings

Age ratings apply to all applications published on the RuStore. Those restrictions help users understand whether an app contains potentially inappropriate content for a certain age group.


Age ratings are not related to the app target group.

Specify an age rating when publishing an app or a new version of it if the update introduces potentially inappropriate content for a certain age group. This information will help RuStore users decide whether to install the application.

How to set an age rating

  1. Open the RuStore Console.
  2. Click the "Applications" tab.
  3. Choose an application.
  4. Select a required app version.
  5. Click icon.
  6. Go to the "Age rating" block.
  7. Select one of the restriction options from the drop-down list.
  8. Click "Save".

How to choose an appropriate age rating

The RuStore uses the following age ratings:

0+Free of violence, inappropriate content (). Please note that not all apps with this age rating are designed specifically for children.
6+Some violence or scary scenes. Not recommended for children under 7 years old. Please note that not all apps with this age rating are designed specifically for children.
12+Moderate violence, scary scenes, obscene content. Not recommended for children under 12.
16+Violence or sexual content. Not recommended for children under 16.
18+High levels of violence, sexual content, references to drugs or alcohol. For adults only.
For detailed information about age ratings, refer to Russian Age Rating System.

Age ratings have nothing to do with a game's complexity. We recommend that parents should be guided by the age ratings to make sure that the game content is suitable for the child.