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Systrace Profiler

Connecting dependencies to your project

In your <project>/<app-module>/build.gradle.

dependencies {
implementation "ru.ok.tracer:tracer-profiler-systrace:0.2.7"

For a detailed description of the dependencies see “Quickstart”.

SystraceProfilerConfiguration description

In your Application.kt.

class MyApplication : Application(), HasTracerConfiguration {
override val tracerConfiguration: List<TracerConfiguration>
get() = listOf( {
// your options

Below are the SystraceProfilerConfiguration.Builder options.

  • setEnabled — enables/disables profiling. By default: enabled.

Below are the SystraceProfilerConfiguration.Builder options that are deprecated or dangerous.

  • setDurationMs — profiler performance time in milliseconds.
  • addCondition — adds a Condition that triggers profiling.

Description of Condition, TracerEvents, SystraceProfiler API, etc.

See “Sampling Profiler” for the up-to-date information.