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Migrating to a new version

Migrating from 0.2.7 to 0.2.3

The Condition class and the SystraceProfiler.start(context, profileDuration, activeCondition) and, duration, condition) methods are deprecated and will soon be removed. For manual profiling use SystraceProfiler and SamplingProfiler API instead.

Where interestingEvents were set with TracerEvents.addEvent(), now call SystraceProfiler.commit() or SamplingProfiler.commit()—depending on the profiling type you used. Where you could catch interestingEvents, now call SystraceProfiler.start() or SamplingProfiler.start() respectively.

Migrating from 0.2.3 to 0.2.2

The TracerCrashReport.log(Throwable) method for sending non-fatals is now deprecated and will soon be removed. Use the method instead. This does not affect the TracerCrashReport.log(String) method for adding crash and non-fatal event logs—it will continue to work as usual. See “Crash и ANR” for up-to-date usage examples.

Starting from 0.2.3 the tracer-plugin connection method is changed. The dependency is changed from ru.ok.tracer:plugin:0.1.1 to ru.ok.tracer:tracer-plugin:0.2.3 (note, not only the version number is affected). Plugin id changes from ru.ok.tracer.mapping_plugin to ru.ok.tracer. Further on, the plug-in and runtime versions will use the same numbering and be published at the same time. See “Quickstart” for the up-to-date information.

Migrating from 0.2.2 to 0.1.15

Tracer.configure and Tracer.configureAsync methods. Instead of calling these methods, implement the HasTracerConfiguration interface in your Application class and retrieve everything that was previously passed in Tracer.configure. See “Quickstart” for the up-to-date information.

Now the tracer configuration is done at the current tracer start-up instead of the next tracer start-up.