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7.0.0 (Beta)

With RuStore you can integrate payments in your mobile app.

  • If you are in doubt read the instruction in the usage scenarios.

  • If you migrate to Pay SDK from billingClient SDK, please review the migration instructions. For more details, see here.


  • In-app purchases for the app are enabled in RuStore Console.
  • The app must not be banned in RuStore.
  • The current version of RuStore is installed on the user's device.
  • User is authorized in RuStore.
  • The user must is not banned in RuStore.

Connect to project

Adding repository

Add our repository as shown in the example below.

repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")

Connecting the dependency

Add the following code to your configuration file to add the dependency.

dependencies {


Initialize the library before calling its methods. The initialization itself is done automatically, however, for your SDK to work, define console_app_id_key in your manifest.xml.

You can so it the following way:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""


android:value="@string/CONSOLE_APPLICATION_ID" />

Where are app IDs in the RuStore Console?
  1. Navigate to the Applications tab and selected the needed app.
  2. Copy the ID from the URL address of the app page — it is a set of numbers between apps/ and /versions. FOr example, for URL address the app ID is 123456.

  • ApplicationId specified in build.gradle, must match applicationId of the APK file you published in the RuStore Console.
  • The keystore signature must match the signature that was used to sign the app published in the RuStore Console. Make sure that buildType used (example: debug) uses the same signature as the published app (example: release).

Working with SDK

Available public interactiors:

  • PurchaseInteractor - interactor that works with payments and has several public methods.
    • getPurchase(purchaseId: PurchaseId): Task<Purchase> - gets purchase information by its ID.
    • getPurchases(productType: ProductType? = null): Task<List<Purchase>> - retrieves the user's purchases. This method supports an optional product type filter (consumable and non-consumable goods). By default, this filter is disabled (regardless of the product type) — that means that all user purchases in the PAID and CONFIRMED will be returned.
    • PAID - the money on the user's account is put on hold, the developer's action is required: purchase confirmation or cancellation.
    • getPurchaseAvailability(): Task<PurchaseAvailabilityResult> - retrieves purchase availability status: whether the user can make a purchase.
    • purchaseOneStep(params: Produc tPurchaseParams): Task<ProductPurchaseResult> - starts a one-stage payment. With this method, the transaction is done without putting the user's money on hold on their account. If a payment is successful, the money is taken from the user's account instantly. You cannot cancel the payment, you can only refund the purchase from the RuStore Console.
    • purchaseTwoStep(params: ProductPurchaseParams): Task<ProductPurchaseResult> - start a two-stage payment. With this method, the money is put on hold on the user's account. If a purchase is successful, the money is taken from the user's account only after the developer's confirmation.
    • confirmTwoStepPurchase(purchaseId: PurchaseId, developerPayload: DeveloperPayload? = null) - confirm a two-stage payment.
    • cancelTwoStepPurchase(purchaseId: PurchaseId) - cancel a two-stage payment.
  • ProductInteractor - interactor that works with products and has several public methods:
    • getProducts(productsId: List<ProductId>): Task<List<Product>> - retrieves information about active products published in the RuStore Console.

    This method returns up to 1000 products.

  • the RuStoreUtils block - a set of public methods, such as:
    • isRuStoreInstalled - checks if the RuStore app is installed on the user's device.
    • openRuStoreDownloadInstruction - opens RuStore download page.
    • openRuStore - starts the RuStore app.
    • openRuStoreAuthorization - starts the RuStore for authorization. The RuStore app will be automatically closed after successful authorization.

Payments availability check

To check purchase availability, call the getPurchaseAvailability methods from PurchaseInteractor. On calling, the following conditions are checked:

  • The current version of RuStore is installed on the user's device.
  • User is authorized in RuStore.
  • The user and the app are not banned in RuStore.
  • Monetization is enabled in the RuStore Console.

If all conditions are met, PurchaseAvailabilityResult.Available is returned. Otherwise, PurchaseAvailabilityResult.Unavailable(val cause: Throwable) is returned, where cause is an error of unmet conditions.

To figure out the cause of the error, check its type for RuStoreException. See Error handling.

Calling the getPurchaseAvailability method
.addOnSuccessListener { result ->
when (result) {
is PurchaseAvailabilityResult.Available -> {
// Process purchases available

is PurchaseAvailabilityResult.Unavailable -> {
// Process purchases unavailable
}.addOnFailureListener { throwable ->
// Process unknown error

Retrieving products list

You checked that payments are available and the users are able to make purchases. Now you can request products list. Use the getProducts method to request the information about products added to your app in RuStore Console.

Вызов метода getProducts
RuStorePayClient.instance.getProductInteractor().getProducts(productsId = listOf(ProductId("id1"), ProductId("id2")))
.addOnSuccessListener { products: List<Product> ->
// Process success
.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error

productsId: List<ProductId> — the list of product IDs that are set when products are created in the RuStore Console. The list is limited by 1000 items.

Where are product IDs in the RuStore Console?
  1. Navigate to the Applications tab and selected the needed app.
  2. Select Monetization in the left menu.
  3. Select product type: Subscriptions or In-App purchases.
  4. Copy the IDs of the required products.

The method returns products list. Below is the product pattern.

Product structure
public class Product internal constructor(
public val productId: ProductId,
public val type: ProductType,
public val amountLabel: AmountLabel,
public val price: Price?,
public val currency: Currency,
public val imageUrl: Url,
public val title: Title,
public val description: Description?,
  • amountLabel — formatted purchase price, including currency symbol.
  • currency — ISO 4217 currency code.
  • description — descriptions in language.
  • imageUrl — image URL.
  • price — price in minimum currency units.
  • productId — product ID assigned to product in RuStore Console (mandatory).
  • title — product name in language.
  • type — product type.

Response examples

Consumable product model example
productId = ProductId("conProduct1"),
type = ProductType.CONSUMABLE_PRODUCT,
amountLabel = AmountLabel("100.00 rub."),
price = Price(10000),
currency = Currency("RUB"),
imageUrl = Url("https://your_image_consumable_product.png"),
title = Title("Title of a Consumable product"),
description = Description("Description of a Consumable product"),
Non-consumable product model example
productId = ProductId("nonConProduct1"),
amountLabel = AmountLabel("200.00 rub."),
price = Price(20000),
currency = Currency("RUB"),
imageUrl = Url("https://your_image_non_consumable_product.png"),
title = Title("Title of a Non-consumable product"),
description = Description("Description of a Non-consumable product"),

Getting products list

Go get the user's purchases list, use the getPurchases method.

.addOnSuccessListener { purchases: List<Purchase> ->
// Process success
.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error

This method supports an optional product type filter (consumable and non-consumable goods). By default, this filter is disabled (regardless of the product type) — that means that all user purchases in the PAID and CONFIRMED will be returned. Purchase PAID status means that the money is put on hold on the user's account, the purchase waits for the developer's confirmation.

Retrieving the user's purchases list with filter applied
RuStorePayClient.instance.getPurchaseInteractor().getPurchases(productType = ProductType.CONSUMABLE_PRODUCT)
.addOnSuccessListener { purchases: List<Purchase> ->
// Process success
.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error

Below is the purchase pattern:

Purchase information structure
public class Purchase internal constructor(
public val purchaseId: PurchaseId,
public val productId: ProductId,
public val invoiceId: InvoiceId,
public val orderId: OrderId?,
public val purchaseType: PurchaseType,
public val productType: ProductType,
public val description: Description,
public val purchaseTime: Date?,
public val price: Price,
public val amountLabel: AmountLabel,
public val currency: Currency,
public val quantity: Quantity,
public val status: PurchaseStatus,
public val subscriptionToken: SubscriptionToken?,
public val developerPayload: DeveloperPayload?,
  • purchaseId — product ID.
  • productId — product ID assigned to product in RuStore Console (mandatory).
  • invoiceId — invoice ID.
  • orderId — payment ID generated by the app (optional). If you specify this parameter in your system, you will receive it via our API. If not specified, will be generated automatically (uuid). 150 characters max.
  • type — product type: CONSUMABLE/NON-CONSUMABE.
  • description — purchase description;
  • purchaseTime — purchase time.
  • price — price in minimum currency units.
  • amountLable — formatted purchase price, including currency symbol.
  • currency — ISO 4217 currency code.
  • quantity — product amount (optional, value 1 will be used if not specified).
  • purchaseState — purchase state.
  • developerPayload — string with additional order information, that you can specify on purchase initialization.
  • amountLabel — formatted purchase price, including currency symbol.
  • currency — ISO 4217 currency code.
  • description — descriptions in language.
  • developerPayload — string with additional order information, that you can specify on purchase initialization
  • invoiceId — invoice ID.
  • orderId — payment ID generated by the app (optional). If you specify this parameter in your system, you will receive it via our API. If not specified, will be generated automatically (uuid). 150 characters max.
  • price — price in minimum currency units.
  • productId — product ID assigned to product in RuStore Console (mandatory).
  • productType — product type.
  • purchaseId — product ID.
  • purchaseTime — purchase time.
  • PurchaseType — purchase type:
    • ONE_PHASE - one-stage payment;
    • TWO_PHASE - two-stage payment.
  • quantity — product amount (optional, value 1 will be used if not specified).
  • status — purchase state:
    • INVOICE_CREATED — purchase invoice is created and awaiting payment;
    • CANCELLED — purchase canceled by the user;
    • PROCESSING — payment initiated;
    • REJECTED — purchase rejected (for example: due to insufficient funds);
    • PAID — only for two-stage payments, intermediate status, funds are put on hold on the user's account, the purchase is awaiting confirmation from the developer;
    • CONFIRMED — purchase successfully paid for;
    • REFUNDED — purchase successfully refunded;
    • REVERSED — only for two-stage payment: wither the purchase was canceled by the developer or there was no payment within 72 hours, the funds on the user's account are put off hold.

Getting purchase information

Go get purchase information, use the getPurchase method.
.addOnSuccessListener { purchase: Purchase ->
// Process success
.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error

This method returns information about a specific purchase in any status. Below is the product pattern:

Purchase information structure
public class Purchase internal constructor(
public val purchaseId: PurchaseId,
public val productId: ProductId,
public val invoiceId: InvoiceId,
public val orderId: OrderId?,
public val purchaseType: PurchaseType,
public val productType: ProductType,
public val description: Description,
public val purchaseTime: Date?,
public val price: Price,
public val amountLabel: AmountLabel,
public val currency: Currency,
public val quantity: Quantity,
public val status: PurchaseStatus,
public val subscriptionToken: SubscriptionToken?,
public val developerPayload: DeveloperPayload?,
  • amountLabel — formatted purchase price, including currency symbol.
  • currency — ISO 4217 currency code.
  • description — descriptions in language.
  • developerPayload — string with additional order information, that you can specify on purchase initialization
  • invoiceId — invoice ID.
  • orderId — payment ID generated by the app (optional). If you specify this parameter in your system, you will receive it via our API. If not specified, will be generated automatically (uuid). 150 characters max.
  • price — price in minimum currency units.
  • productId — product ID assigned to product in RuStore Console (mandatory).
  • productType — product type.
  • purchaseId — product ID.
  • purchaseTime — purchase time.
  • PurchaseType — purchase type:
    • ONE_PHASE - one-stage payment;
    • TWO_PHASE - two-stage payment.
  • quantity — product amount (optional, value 1 will be used if not specified).
  • status — purchase state:
    • INVOICE_CREATED — purchase invoice is created and awaiting payment;
    • CANCELLED — purchase canceled by the user;
    • PROCESSING — payment initiated;
    • REJECTED — purchase rejected (for example: due to insufficient funds);
    • PAID — only for two-stage payments, intermediate status, funds are put on hold on the user's account, the purchase is awaiting confirmation from the developer;
    • CONFIRMED — purchase successfully paid for;
    • REFUNDED — purchase successfully refunded;
    • REVERSED — only for two-stage payment: wither the purchase was canceled by the developer or there was no payment within 72 hours, the funds on the user's account are put off hold.

Response example.

Consumable product purchase model
purchaseId = PurchaseId("purchaseId"),
productId = ProductId("productId"),
invoiceId = InvoiceId("invoiceId"),
orderId = OrderId("orderId"),
purchaseType = PurchaseType.ONE_STEP,
productType = ProductType.CONSUMABLE_PRODUCT,
description = Description("description"),
purchaseTime = Date(123123123124),
price = Price(14100),
amountLabel = AmountLabel("141,00 ₽"),
currency = Currency("RUB"),
quantity = Quantity(1),
status = PurchaseStatus.CONFIRMED,
subscriptionToken = SubscriptionToken("subscriptionToken"),
developerPayload = DeveloperPayload("developerPayload"),

Purchase status model

One-stage payment status model.

Two-stage payment status model.

Purchasing product

One-stage payment (without hold)

To purchase product, use the purchaseOneStep method.

productId = ProductId("productId"),
orderId = null,
quantity = null,
developerPayload = null,
).addOnSuccessListener { paymentResult: PaymentResult ->
when (paymentResult) {
// Process PaymentResult
}.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error

Two-stage payment (with hold)

To purchase product, use the purchaseTwoStep method.

productId = ProductId("productId"),
orderId = null,
quantity = null,
developerPayload = null,
).addOnSuccessListener { paymentResult: PaymentResult ->
when (paymentResult) {
// Process PaymentResult
}.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error

Purchase parameters structure

Purchase parameters structure
public class ProductPurchaseParams(
public val productId: ProductId,
public val quantity: Quantity? = null,
public val orderId: OrderId? = null,
public val developerPayload: DeveloperPayload? = null,
  • productId — product ID assigned to product in RuStore Console (mandatory).
  • quantity — product amount (optional, value 1 will be used if not specified).
  • orderId — payment ID generated by the app (optional). If you specify this parameter in your system, you will receive it via our API. If not specified, will be generated automatically (uuid). 150 characters max.
  • developerPayload — string with additional order information, that you can specify on purchase initialization. 250 characters max.
Purchase result structure
public sealed interface ProductPurchaseResult {

public class SuccessProductPurchaseResult(
public val orderId: OrderId?,
public val purchaseId: PurchaseId,
public val productId: ProductId,
public val invoiceId: InvoiceId,
public val subscriptionToken: SubscriptionToken?,
) : ProductPurchaseResult

public class CancelProductPurchaseResult(
public val purchaseId: PurchaseId?,
) : ProductPurchaseResult

public class FailureProductPurchaseResult(
public val orderId: OrderId?,
public val purchaseId: PurchaseId?,
public val productId: ProductId?,
public val invoiceId: InvoiceId?,
public val quantity: Quantity?,
public val subscriptionToken: SubscriptionToken?,
public val cause: Throwable,
) : ProductPurchaseResult
  • SuccessProductPurchaseResult - successful purchase result.

  • FailureProductPurchaseResult - failed purchase result.

  • CancelProductPurchaseResult - payment dialog was closed prior to receiving purchase result. Purchase state unknown. We recommend request purchase status using the method for getting purchase information.

  • purchaseId - purchase identifier. It is used to retrieve purchase information when using the method to retrieve purchase information

  • productId - product identifier specified during the product creation in the RuStore Console.

  • invoiceId - invoice identifier. It is used for server validation, searching payments in the RuStore Console, also, it is displayed to the buyer in the RuStore app

  • orderId - unique order identifier specified by the developer or generated automatically (uuid).

  • subscriptionToken - purchase server validation token.

Server purchase validation

If you need to validate a purchase on the RuStore server, you can use subscriptionToken from the ProductPurchaseResult.SuccessProductPurchaseResult model, that is returned on successful purchase. You can also validate payments using InvoiceId.

Retrieving subscriptionToken from purchase result
val params = ProductPurchaseParams(ProductId("productId"))
.addOnSuccessListener { result ->
if (result is ProductPurchaseResult.SuccessProductPurchaseResult) {
val invoiceId = result.invoiceId.value

You can also get a subscriptionToken from the Purchase entity. The Purchase entity can be retrieved using the getPurchases() method.

Retrieving subscriptionToken from purchase result
.addOnSuccessListener { purchases ->
purchases.forEach { purchase ->

Consume (confirm) purchase

Confirmation is required only for two-stage payments (when the money is put on hold on the user's account). After a successful hold, such purchases will be in the PurchaseStatus.PAID status.

Purchase confirmation is required for a success transaction. To do this, use the confirmTwoStepPurchase method.

Calling confirmation method
purchaseId = PurchaseId("purchaseId"),
developerPayload = null,
.addOnSuccessListener {
// Process success
}.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error
  • purchaseId — product ID.
  • developerPayload — string with additional order information, that you can specify on purchase initialization. 250 characters max. If passed, changes value set on purchase start by the purchase method.

Purchase cancellation

With our SDK you can cancel only the purchases that undergo a two-stage payment process, i.e. when the user's money is put on hold. After a successful hold, such purchases are in the PurchaseStatus.PAID status. If a purchase is canceled it has the PurchaseStatus.REVERSED status.


Cancel purchases if you cannot deliver your product after payment is made (when the user's money is put on hold).

To cancel a purchase (put the user's money off hold), use the cancelTwoStepPurchase method.

purchaseId = PurchaseId("purchaseId"),
.addOnSuccessListener {
// Process success
}.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error
  • purchaseId — product ID.

Error handling

  • RuStorePaymentNetworkException — SDK network communication error;
  • RuStorePaymentCommonException — general SDK error;
  • RuStorePayClientAlreadyExist — duplicate initialization error SDK;
  • RuStorePayClientNotCreated — attempt to access public SDK interface before initialisation;
  • RuStorePayInvalidActivePurchase — payment initiated for unknown product type;
  • RuStorePayInvalidConsoleAppId — mandatory parameter сonsole_application_id for SDK initialisation not set;
  • RuStorePaySignatureException — invalid signature (occurs because of fraud actions);
  • EmptyPaymentTokenException — error receiving payment token;
  • RuStoreNotInstalledException — RuStore is not installed on the user's device;
  • RuStoreOutdatedException — RuStore version installed on the user's device does not support this SDK;
  • RuStoreUserUnauthorizedException — user is not authorized in RuStore;
  • RuStoreApplicationBannedException — app is banned in RuStore RuStore;
  • RuStoreUserBannedException — user is blocked in RuStore;
  • RuStoreException — basic RuStore error from which other errors are inherited.

List of dependencies

  • androidx.core:core-ktx:1.7.0 — The Apache Software License, Version 2.0;
  • androidx.activity:activity-ktx:1.7.0 — The Apache Software License, Version 2.0;
  • androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx:1.4.0 — The Apache Software License, Version 2.0;
  • androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx:2.4.1 — The Apache Software License, Version 2.0;
  • androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-common-java8:2.4.1 — The Apache Software License, Version 2.0;
  • androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.2.1 — The Apache Software License, Version 2.0;
  • — The Apache Software License, Version 2.0;
  • — The Apache Software License, Version 2.0;
  • io.coil-kt:coil:2.6.0 — The Apache Software License, Version 2.0.