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RuStore Deeplinks

Using deeplinks, you can open some RuStore screens while within your app.

For example, you can open a screen with a list of all user’s subscriptions using the code below:

try {
startActivity(Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse( "rustore://profile/subscriptions" )))
} catch (ex: ActivityNotFoundException) {
// Handle error when RuStore is not installed

where rustore://profile/subscriptions is a RuStore deeplink. To open the required RuStore app screen, you can replace it with any of the deeplinks listed below.

Supported browser

BrowserSupports RuStore Deeplinks
Google ChromeYes
Yandex BrowserYes
Mozilla FirefoxNo
Mi BrowserNo
Samsung InternetNo
App Screen
  • rustore://{BpackageName} — opens the RuStore app;
  •{BpackageName} - opens RuStore if it is installed on the user's device, otherwise opens the app web-page in the storefront;
  • market://details?id={packageName} — suggests to open RuStore or other app stores.

where: {packageName} — app package name.
Subscriptions Screenrustore://profile/subscriptions.
Account/Updates Screenrustore://
Login Screenrustore://auth.