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Uploading screenshots

This method allows uploading app screenshots.

Key Points to Note:

  • screenshots can be either vertical or horizontal;

  • screenshot aspect ratio - 16:9 (vertical) and 9:16 (horizontal);

  • uploaded file sides - not less than 320px and not over than 3840px;

  • upload file format: .jpg or .png;

  • file size should not exceed 3 MB;

  • various orientations are not allowed. For instance, if the user has already uploaded a vertical orientation (PORTRAIT) and attempts to load a horizontal one (LANDSCAPE), an error will be returned in response to the request.

  • when uploading more than 10 screenshots, existing screenshots will become inactive. For example, if you upload two screenshots with the "ordinal" = 7 parameter, the last uploaded screenshot will be active.

Interaction parameters


Public-TokenstringYesheaderAccess token to Public API Rustore.
packageNamenumberYespathApp ID
versionIdnumberYespathApp version
orientationstringYespathImage orientations.

Possible options:
LANDSCAPE — horizontal;
PORTRAIT — vertical.
ordinalnumberYespathScreenshot serial number

Possible values:
from 0 to 9.

Form data


Response example

codestringYesResponse codeerror/OK
messagestringNoDecoded response codeN/A
timestamptimestamptzYesResponse time2022-07-08T13:24:41.8328711+03:00

Request example

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Public-Token: {YOURtoken}' \
--form 'file=@"/Users/User/Downloads/img.jpg"'