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Changing publication settings

This method allows changing the publication type, deferred publication date and % for partial release.

Key Points to Note:

  • % for partial publication can only be edited upward;

  • if partialValue100, the application is considered to be fully rolled out;

  • you can change either partialValue or publishType and publishDateTime (for delayed publication).

Interaction parameters


Public-TokenstringYesheaderAccess token to Public API Rustore.N/A
packageNamestringYespathApp package nameN/A
versionIdnumberYespathApp versionN/A
publishTypestringNobodyPublication type
Possible values:
MANUAL — manual publication;
INSTANTLY — automatic publication immediately after review;
DELAYED — delayed publication.
publishDateTimetimestamptz• No
• Yes, if publishType = DELAYED
bodyDate and time for delayed publication:
format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX.
The specified date must be no earlier than 24 hours and no later than 60 days from the planned submission date. The delayed publication date can be changed.
Note: if publishType is MANUAL или INSTANTLY, this parameter can be anything and will not be taken into account.
partialValuenumberNobodyPercentage for partial publication
Possible values:
- 5%
- 10%
- 25%
- 50%
- 75%
- 100%

Response example

codestringYesResponse codeerror/OK
messagestringNoDecoded response codeN/A
timestamptimestamptzYesResponse time2022-07-08T13:24:41.8328711+03:00

Example for changing % for partial publication

curl --location '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Public-Token: {YOURtoken}\
--data '{
"partialValue": 100

Response example

"code": "OK",
"message": null,
"body": null,
"timestamp": "2023-08-14T15:35:12.701709488+03:00"