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RuStore allows you to integrate payments into your mobile app.

Implementation example

Get acquainted with the app example below to learn how to implement reviews and ratings SDK.


  • The current version of RuStore is installed on the user's device.
  • The user is authorized in RuStore.
  • The user and the app should not be blocked in RuStore.
  • In-app purchases should be enabled for the app in RuStore Console.

The service has some restrictions to work outside of Russia.

Getting started

How to add a repository

Connect repository (see below)

repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")

Connecting the dependency

Add the following code to your configuration file to inject the dependency:

dependencies {

To redirect a user to your app after payment via third-party apps (the Faster Payments System (SBP), SberPay and others), you need to properly implement deep linking in your app. Specify the intent-filter in AndroidManifest.xml with schemeof your project (see below).


<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="yourappscheme" />


where yourappscheme — your deeplink scheme, it can be changed to another one.

This scheme must match the deeplinkSheme value specified during the billing client library initialization.

Next, add the following code to the Activity you need to return to after making the payment (your store page):

class YourBillingActivity: AppCompatActivity() {

// Previously created with RuStoreBillingClientFactory.create()
private val billingClient: RuStoreBillingClient = YourDependencyInjection.getBillingClient()

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
if (savedInstanceState == null) {

override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent?) {

To restore your app after deep linking, you need to add android:launchMode="singleTask" to AndroidManifest.xml.



Initialize the library before calling its methods.

Craete RuStoreBillingClient via RuStoreBillingClientFactory.create().

val billingClient: RuStoreBillingClient = RuStoreBillingClientFactory.create(
context = app,
consoleApplicationId = "111111",
deeplinkScheme = "yourappscheme",
// Optional parameters
themeProvider = null,
debugLogs = false,
externalPaymentLoggerFactory = null,
  • context — Android context. Any context is allowed, applicationContext is used in the release version.

  • consoleApplicationId — application code from RuStore Console (example:

The ApplicationId specified in build.gradle must match the applicationId of the APK file you published to the RuStore Console.

  • deeplinkScheme — deeplink scheme required to return to your app upon payment via a third-party application (for example, SberPay or SBP). SDK generates its host for this scheme.
The deeplink scheme passed in yourappscheme must match the one specified in AndroidManifest.xml (see Deeplinks handling).
  • themeProvider — interface that provides BillingClientTheme. There are 2 possible options of BillingClientTheme: light (Light) and dark (Dark).This interface is optional; the light team is set by default.
  • externalPaymentLoggerFactory — interface that provides access to an external event logging system.
  • debugLogs — flag that regulates logging (logs will be automatically disabled for Release builds).


The keystore signature must be the same as the one used to sign the application published to the RuStore Console. Make sure that the buildType (eg: debug) uses the same signature as the published application (eg: release).

How payments work

Checking purchases availability

Please ensure compliance with the conditions below to check whether your app supports payment functions.

  • The current version of RuStore is installed on the user's device.
  • RuStore app supports payment functionality.
  • The user is authorized in RuStore.
  • The user and the app should not be blocked in RuStore.
  • In-app purchases should be enabled for the app in RuStore Console.
To check whether your app supports payment functions, call the checkPurchasesAvailabilitymethod. If all conditions are met, the method returns FeatureAvailabilityResult.Available. Otherwise, it returns FeatureAvailabilityResult.Unavailable(val cause: RuStoreException), where cause indicates an unfulfilled condition.

All possible RuStoreExceptionerrors are described in Error handling. Other errors are processed in onFailure.

.addOnSuccessListener { result ->
when (result) {
FeatureAvailabilityResult.Available -> {
// Process purchases available

is FeatureAvailabilityResult.Unavailable -> {
// Process purchases unavailable
}.addOnFailureListener { throwable ->
// Process unknown error

context — Android context.

Working with SDK

Getting products list

Use the getProducts method to get a list of products.
val productsUseCase: ProductsUseCase = billingClient.products
productsUseCase.getProducts(productIds = listOf("id1", "id2"))
.addOnSuccessListener { products: List<Product> ->
// Process success
.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error

productIds — list of products IDs. Maximum length is 2083 symbols in a list.

The method returns

data class Product(
val productId: String,
val productType: ProductType?,
val productStatus: ProductStatus,
val priceLabel: String?,
val price: Int?,
val currency: String?,
val language: String?,
val title: String?,
val description: String?,
val imageUrl: Uri?,
val promoImageUrl: Uri?,
val subscription: ProductSubscription?,

Product structure

  • productId — product ID..
  • productType — product type..
  • productStatus — product status..
  • priceLable — formatted purchase price, including the currency symbol in language.
  • price — price in minor units (in kopecks)..
  • currency — ISO 4217 currency code.
  • language — language specified with the BCP 47 encoding..
  • title — product name in language.
  • description — product description in language.
  • imageUrl — link to an image..
  • promoImageUrl — promotional picture link..
  • subscription — subscription description, returned only for products with subscription.

Subscription structure

data class ProductSubscription(
val subscriptionPeriod: SubscriptionPeriod?,
val freeTrialPeriod: SubscriptionPeriod?,
val gracePeriod: SubscriptionPeriod?,
val introductoryPrice: String?,
val introductoryPriceAmount: String?,
val introductoryPricePeriod: SubscriptionPeriod?
  • subscriptionPeriod — subscription period..
  • freeTrialPeriod — trial subscription period..
  • gracePeriod — grace period..
  • introductoryPrice — formatted introductory subscription price, including the currency symbol, in product:language.
  • introductoryPriceAmount — introductory price in minor units of currency (in kopecks).
  • introductoryPricePeriod — calculated period of the introductory price..

Structure of the subscription period

data class SubscriptionPeriod(
val years: Int,
val months: Int,
val days: Int,
  • years — number of years..
  • months — number of days..
  • days — number of days..

Purchasing product

Use thepurchaseProductmethod to call a product purchase.

val purchasesUseCase: PurchasesUseCase = billingClient.purchases
productId = productId,
orderId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
quantity = 1,
developerPayload = null,
).addOnSuccessListener { paymentResult: PaymentResult ->
when (paymentResult) {
// Process PaymentResult
}.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error
  • productId: String — product ID..
  • orderId: String — unique payment identifier generated by the application (uuid);.
  • quantity: Int — product quantity..
  • developerPayload — уline specified by the developer that contains additional information about the order..

Purchase result structure

public sealed interface PaymentResult {     

public data class Success(
val orderId: String?,
val purchaseId: String,
val productId: String,
val invoiceId: String,
val subscriptionToken: String? = null,
) : PaymentResult

public data class Cancelled(
val purchaseId: String,
) : PaymentResult

public data class Failure(
val purchaseId: String?,
val invoiceId: String?,
val orderId: String?,
val quantity: Int?,
val productId: String?,
val errorCode: Int?,
) : PaymentResult

public object InvalidPaymentState : PaymentResult()
  • Success - successful purchase result..
  • Failure - error occurred when sending a payment request or receiving a payment status, it is not possible to set the purchase status..
  • Cancelled — a purchase request has been sent, but the user has closed the "payment window" on their device, so the payment result is unknown..
  • InvalidPaymentState — Billing SDK error.. May occur in case of an incorrect reverse deeplink.


Getting purchase info

Use the getPurchaseInfo method to retrive purchase details.
val purchasesUseCase: PurchasesUseCase = billingClient.purchases
.addOnSuccessListener { purchase: Purchase ->
// Process success
.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error

Purchase Structure

data class Purchase(
val purchaseId: String?,
val productId: String,
val productType: ProductType?,
val invoiceId: String?,
val description: String?,
val language: String?,
val purchaseTime: Date?,
val orderId: String?,
val amountLabel: String?,
val amount: Int?,
val currency: String?,
val quantity: Int?,
val purchaseState: PurchaseState?,
val developerPayload: String?,
val subscriptionToken: String?
  • purchaseId — purchase ID..

  • productId — product ID..

  • description — product description in language.

  • invoiceId — invoice ID..

  • language — language specified with the BCP 47 encoding..

  • purchaseTime— time of purchase.


  • orderId — unique payment identifier generated by the application (uuid);.

  • amountLable — formatted purchase price, including the currency symbol in language.

  • amount — price in minor units of currency..

  • currency — ISO 4217 currency code.

  • quantity — product quantity..

  • purchaseState — purchase state.:

    • CREATED - purchase created.

    • INVOICE_CREATED — created, waiting for payment.;
    • PAID — consumable purchases only - intermediate status, funds reserved in buyer's account. Purchase pending confirmation from developer.

    • CONFIRMED — final status, purchase confirmed (for subscriptions and non-consumable items). Funds sent to the developer. Repeat item purchase is blocked by the store;
    • CONSUMED — for consumable items - final status, purchase consumption confirmed. You can re-purchase an item.

    • CANCELLED — purchase cancelled - payment has not been made or a refund has been made to the buyer (for subscriptions, once refunded, the purchase does not become CANCELLED);
    • CLOSED — for subscriptions - subscription shifted to HOLD period or has been closed..
  • developerPayload — уline specified by the developer that contains additional information about the order..

  • subscriptionToken — token for server validation..

Status model (purchaseState)

A status-based consumables subscription (CONSUMABLES)


A status-based non-consumables subscription (NON-CONSUMABLES):


A status-based subscription purchase model (SUBSCRIPTIONS)


Getting purchases list

The method only returns purchases with statuses from the table below.


The method returns incomplete purchase and purchase consumable states that require processing. Apart from that, it shows confirmed purchases for subscriptions and non-consumable items - those that cannot be purchased again.

Use thegetPurchasesmethod to get the user's list of purchases.

val purchasesUseCase: PurchasesUseCase = billingClient.purchases
.addOnSuccessListener { purchases: List<Purchase> ->
// Process success
.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error

Purchase Structure

data class Purchase(
val purchaseId: String?,
val productId: String,
val productType: ProductType?,
val invoiceId: String?,
val description: String?,
val language: String?,
val purchaseTime: Date?,
val orderId: String?,
val amountLabel: String?,
val amount: Int?,
val currency: String?,
val quantity: Int?,
val purchaseState: PurchaseState?,
val developerPayload: String?,
val subscriptionToken: String?
  • purchaseId — purchase ID..
  • productId — product ID..
  • productType — product type..
  • invoiceId — invoice ID..
  • description — product description in language.
  • language — language specified with the BCP 47 encoding..
  • purchaseTime— time of purchase.

  • orderId — unique payment identifier generated by the application (uuid);.
  • amountLable — formatted purchase price, including the currency symbol in language.
  • amount — price in minor units of currency..
  • currency — ISO 4217 currency code.
  • quantity — product quantity..
  • purchaseState — purchase state..

Purchase request server response structure

data class PurchasesResponse(
override val meta: RequestMeta?,
override val code: Int,
override val errorMessage: String?,
override val errorDescription: String?,
override val errors: List<DigitalShopGeneralError>?,
val purchases: List<Purchase>?,
) : ResponseWithCode
  • meta — additional request info..
  • code — error code..
  • errorMessage — error message for the user..
  • errorDescription — error message decoding..
  • errors — list of errors..
  • purchases — list of requested purchases..

Server validation

For server purchase validation using API RuStore methods, you can use the subscriptionToken, in the PurchaseResult, returned by purchaseProduct in case of a successful purchase.

SubscriptionToken consists of invoiceId of purchase and userId, written with a dot: $invoiceId.$userId.

You can also get a subscriptionToken in the Purchase entity. Purchase entity can be retrieved using the getPurchases() method.

val purchasesUseCase: PurchasesUseCase = billingClient.purchases
purchasesUseCase.purchaseProduct(productId).addOnSuccessListener { paymentResult ->
if (paymentResult is PaymentResult.Success) {
val subscriptionToken = paymentResult.subscriptionToken

You can also get a subscriptionToken in the Purchase entity. Purchase entity can be retrieved using the getPurchases() method.

val purchasesUseCase: PurchasesUseCase = billingClient.purchases
purchasesUseCase.getPurchases().addOnSuccessListener { purchases ->
purchases.forEach { purchase ->

Confirming purchase

Products that require confirmation

The RuStore application consists of the following types of products:

  • SUBSCRIPTION— subscription (can be purchased for a period of time, such as a streaming service subscription)..
  • NON_CONSUMABLE — non-consumables (one-time purchases, such as disabling ads in an app).
  • CONSUMABLE — consumables (multiple-time purchases, such as crystals in the app);


Only CONSUMABLE type products require confirmation if they are in PurchaseState.PAID state.

Calling confirmation method

Use theconfirmPurchase method to call a product purchase. The release of the goods must be accompanied by a purchase confirmation request. Once the confirmation is called, the purchase will have a CONSUMED status.

val purchasesUseCase: PurchasesUseCase = billingClient.purchases
purchasesUseCase.confirmPurchase(purchaseId = "purchaseId", developerPayload = null)
.addOnSuccessListener {
// Process success
}.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error
  • purchaseId — purchase ID..
  • developerPayload — уline specified by the developer that contains additional information about the order..

Canceling purchase

Use thedeletePurchase method to cancel a purchase.

val purchasesUseCase: PurchasesUseCase = billingClient.purchases
purchasesUseCase.deletePurchase(purchaseId = "purchaseId")
.addOnSuccessListener {
// Process success
}.addOnFailureListener { throwable: Throwable ->
// Process error
  • purchaseId — purchase ID..

Note. Use this method if your app logic is related to purchase cancellation. The purchase is canceled automatically after a 20-min timeout, or upon a second purchase from the same customer.

Error handling

When calling the RuStoreBillingClient.purchases.purchaseProduct() method, errors are handled automatically.

To display the error dialogue to the user, use the resolveForBilling method (see below).

public fun RuStoreException.resolveForBilling(context: Context)

Processing unfinished payments

Uncompleted payments must be processed by the developer.

To confirm a CONSUMABLE purchase type in PAID status, you can call the confirm-purchase method (see Getting purchase info).

In the case of purchase cancellations, consider your internal process when using payment processing methods. As for some developers, it provides for pre-consumption checks or purchase cancellation. In this case, request the status of such purchase separately.


For example, if a user has paid for an item you can't supply to them for some reason, call the cancel purchase method on the PAID status to cancel the purchase.

In cases where the receive shopping list method returns a purchase with INVOICE_CREATED status, you can use the cancel purchase method. For example, if you don't want to see a purchase with these statuses in your shopping list. You don't have to do it yourself, as RuStore handles the cancellation of such purchases on its side.


In some cases, after paying through a banking app (SBP, SberPay, TinkoffPay, etc.), the purchase status may still return INVOICE_CREATED, when you subsequently return to app. This is caused by the purchase processing time by the bank. Therefore, the developer needs to correctly link the shopping list obtaining function to the life cycle on the screen.

You acn also cancel a purchase in INVOICE_CREATED status only through user interaction with the app. For example, create a separate button for this purpose.


If you need to log payment library events, add the parameters externalPaymentLoggerFactory and debugLogs to RuStoreBillingClientFactory.create(). These parameters are optional.

val billingClient: RuStoreBillingClient = RuStoreBillingClientFactory.create(
context = app,
consoleApplicationId = "111111",
deeplinkScheme = "yourappscheme",
externalPaymentLoggerFactory = { tag -> PaymentLogger(tag) },
debugLogs = true

class PaymentLogger(private val tag: String) : ExternalPaymentLogger {
override fun d(e: Throwable?, message: () -> String) {
Log.d(tag, message.invoke(), e)

override fun e(e: Throwable?, message: () -> String) {
Log.e(tag, message.invoke(), e)

override fun i(e: Throwable?, message: () -> String) {
Log.i(tag, message.invoke(), e)

override fun v(e: Throwable?, message: () -> String) {
Log.v(tag, message.invoke(), e)

override fun w(e: Throwable?, message: () -> String) {
Log.w(tag, message.invoke(), e)

Logging processing parameter:

  • externalPaymentLoggerFactory — interface that allows you to create a logger that sends the library logs to the host application.;
  • debugLogs — enable logs (logs will be automatically disabled for Release builds).).

Where PaymentLogger — example of payment event logging implementation.

Changing UI theme

The SDK supports dynamic theme changing via the BillingClientThemeProvider provider interface:

val billingClient: RuStoreBillingClient = RuStoreBillingClientFactory.create(
context = app,
consoleApplicationId = "111111",
deeplinkScheme = "yourappscheme",
themeProvider? = BillingClientThemeProviderImpl(),

class BillingClientThemeProviderImpl: BillingClientThemeProvider {

override fun provide(): BillingClientTheme {
// // Logic for checking the installed theme should be placed here
val darkTheme = ....
} else {

Errors processing

Possible errors

  • RuStoreNotInstalledException — RuStore not installed on user's device;
  • RuStoreOutdatedException — RuStore, installed on the user's device, does not support payment processing functions.;
  • RuStoreUserUnauthorizedException — user not authorized on RuStore;
  • RuStoreRequestLimitReached — not enough time has passed since the process was last shown.;
  • RuStoreReviewExists — this user has already rated your app.;
  • RuStoreInvalidReviewInfo — problems with ReviewInfo;
  • RuStoreException — basic RuStore error, from which all other errors are inherited..
When the RuStoreBillingClient.purchases.purchaseProduct() method is called, errors are handled automatically.

To display the error dialogue to the user, use the resolveForBilling method.

public fun RuStoreException.resolveForBilling(context: Context)

Error codes

The following is a description of possible errors in errorCode.

HTTP codeError codeDescription
40040001Incorrect request parameters: mandatory parameters are not filled in/incorrect parameters format
40040003No application found
40040004inactive application status
40040005Product not found
40040006inactive product status
40040007Invalid product type. Supported types: consumable, non-consumable, subscription.
40040008A purchase with this order_id already exists
40040009The current client has a purchase of this product with the status invoice_created. Your are required to offer the client to pay for/cancel the purchase
40040010For consumable product type. The current customer already has purchased this product with the status paid. First you need to confirm the purchase on the device, and then you can send the following purchase request for this product
40040011For non-consumable product type. The current client already has purchased this product with the status pre_confirmed/confirmed. Such product has already been purchased. This product cannot be sold more than once.
40040012Forsubscription product type. The current client already has purchased this product with the status pre_confirmed/confirmed. Such product has already been purchased. This product cannot be sold more than once.
40040013Forsubscription product type. When requesting the subscription service for a list of products GET/products (serviceId, user_id) data were not received
40040014The required attribute(s) was not received in the request.
40040015Failed to change status when updating purchase (no transition allowed).
40040016When purchasing a subscription for a non-consumable product, the number quantity > 1 is specified
40040017Product removed, no new purchases available.
40040018You cannot consume type product.
40140101Invalid token.
40140102Token lifetime has expired.
40340301Access to the requested resource is denied (unauthorized).
40340302The current call is not authorized (method prohibited) for the token.
40340303The application ID in the request does not match the one specified in the token.
40340305Incorrect token type.
40440401Not found.
40840801The notification timeout period specified in the request has expired.
50050***Internal payment service error.