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RuStore Ratings & Reviews

Users can rate your app or write a review on the RuStore. One user can rate an app only once, though he is allowed to update his review at any time.

RuStore Console makes it possible for you to track your app ratings and reviews. We will also add data analysis tools in a short while.

You can write a public response to a review. This option is given to you so that you can build better customer relationships. You can:

  • thank the user for a good review;
  • answer the questions;
  • collect user feedback;
  • find out about errors in your application.

How to write a response to a review

To write a response to a user review:

  1. Open the RuStore Console.
  2. Click the "Reviews" tab in the left panel.
  3. Click "Reply" on the review you want to respond to.
  4. Enter your response in the "Developer Response" field and click Publish.

Your response will be sent for moderation and assigned the status “Under moderation.” After moderation, the status will change to “Published”.

Editing and deleting responses to user reviews

If necessary, you can edit or delete the answer at any time.

How to change your response to a review

  1. Open the RuStore Console.
  2. Click the "Reviews" tab in the left panel.
  3. Click "Edit" under your review response.
  4. Make the necessary changes in the "Developer Response" field and click Publish.

Your response will be re-submitted for moderation and published after review by the moderator.

How to delete your reply

  1. Open the RuStore Console.
  2. Click the "Reviews" tab in the left panel.
  3. Click “Delete” under the response to the review and it will be deleted.

Requirements for review responding

  1. Stay on topic. The answer must be clear, truthful, useful and relevant to the review content.
  2. Be polite. Your goal is to help users find a solution to a problem, not scare them away. Do not post insults, threats, disparaging or hate speech. Do not provoke users to provide such feedback.
  3. Try to respond to all reviews. This is how you show users that you value their opinion. The app tends to get higher ratings if the developer responds to the reviews users post about it.
  4. Avoid negative responses even If the user is extremely negative. How to deal with negative reviews
  5. Try to speed up work with positive reviews, then you will have more time to solve complex user problems. For example, you can create quick reply templates on your local computer and paste a ready-made response. There are no built-in templates on the RuStore yet, but we are going to add such functions in a short while.
  6. If you use quick reply templates, try to rephrase it from time to time. You should not sound like a robot.
  7. Do not post links to third-party app stores or storefronts, phishing links, or irrelevant links in your responses.
  8. Do not post advertisements and promo codes for other services or in-app purchases in the reviews. This is not relevant for users at all.
  9. Avoid posting sexual content or obscene language.

If you don’t follow these guidelines we may block your application or the developer account.