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Push notifications SDK for Defold (version 1.1.0)


Push notification terms and conditions:

  • The current version of RuStore is installed on the user's device.
  • RuStore app should support push notification functionality.
  • The RuStore app is allowed access to work in the background..
  • The user is authorized in RuStore.
  • The application's signature fingerprint must match the fingerprint added to RuStore Console.

Implementation example

Checkout example app to learn how to implement push notification SDK.

Connecting to project

Package installation

The extension-rustore-push extension can be installed via a dependency connection and locally. Local installation allows you to modify project source and edit application manifest to fine-tune the SDK.

** Installation via dependencies **

The Defold User Guide on the Library page describes the rules for the connection of external dependencies.

  1. Open your project settings in Project (game.project → Project);

  2. Add a reference to the package with the extension in the Dependencies field.


A reference to a specific release of the extension is recommended.

** Local installation (code modifiable) **

  1. Copy the plugin project and example application from the official RuStore repository to GitFlic;

  2. Copy the extension-rustore-push folder to the root of your project;

  3. Open your project settings in Library (game.project → Library);

  4. In the Include Dirs field, specify the name of the extension-rustore-push package folder, with multiple names separated by spaces.

Editing app manifest

The extension-rustore-push plugin will make changes to your application manifest.


You can change this behaviour in a local copy of extension-rustore-push in the manifest file extension-rustore-push / manifests / android / Android / AndroidManifest.xml.

The plugin will add the RustoreMessagingService to your application manifest.

<action android:name="ru.rustore.sdk.pushclient.MESSAGING_EVENT" />

To specify push client initialisation parameters, the plugin will add the project_id and params_class parameters to your app manifest via the meta-data tag. For more information on project_id and params_class, see Initialisation.

android:value="{{android.rustore_project_id}}" />

android:value="ru.rustore.defoldpush.RuStorePushClientParams" />

If you need to change the icon or colour of the standard notification, add:

android:resource="@drawable/ic_baseline_android_24" />
android:resource="@color/your_favorite_color" />

If you need to override the notification channel, add:

android:value="@string/pushes_notification_channel_id" />

You must create the channel yourself if you add a push notification channel.

Requesting permissions for displaying notifications in Android 13+

The Android 13 version has a new permission to display push notifications. This will affect all apps that run on Android 13 or higher and use RuStore Push SDK.

By default, RuStore Push SDK version 1.4.0 and above includes the POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission defined in the manifest. However, the application also needs to request this permission at runtime via the android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS constant. The app will only be able to show push notifications if the user grants a permission.

Request permission to show push notifications:

// Declare the launcher at the top of your Activity/Fragment:
private final ActivityResultLauncher<String> requestPermissionLauncher =
registerForActivityResult(new ActivityResultContracts.RequestPermission(), isGranted -> {
if (isGranted) {
// RuStore Push SDK (and your app) can post notifications.
} else {
// TODO: Inform user that your app will not show notifications.

private void askNotificationPermission() {
// This is only necessary for API level>= 33 (TIRAMISU)
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS) ==
// RuStore Push SDK (and your app) can post notifications.
} else if (shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(Manifest.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS)) {
// TODO: display an educational UI explaining to the user the features that will be enabled
// by them granting the POST_NOTIFICATION permission. This UI should provide the user
// "OK" and "No thanks" buttons. If the user selects "OK," directly request the permission.
// If the user selects "No thanks," allow the user to continue without notifications.
} else {
// Directly ask for the permission


For initialisation you will need project ID from RuStore Console. To get it, go to "Push Notifications" - "Projects" and copy the value into the "Project ID" field.


Plugin initialization

The plugin will add the following code to your app manifest:


You can change this behaviour in a local copy of extension-rustore-push in the manifest file extension-rustore-push / manifests / android / Android / AndroidManifest.xml.

android:value="{{android.rustore_project_id}}" />

android:value="ru.rustore.defoldpush.RuStorePushClientParams" />
  • projectId — your project ID from RuStore Console. To get it, go to "Push Notifications" - "Projects" and copy the value in the "Project ID" field.

  • params_class (optional) — full class name of its AbstractRuStorePushClientParams implementation. It is required to specify additional parameters for push client initialisation.

An example of the successor to AbstractRuStorePushClientParams is stored in extension-rustore-push / src / java / ru / rustore / defoldpush /

package ru.rustore.defoldpush;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import android.content.Context;

import com.vk.push.common.clientid.ClientIdCallback;

import ru.rustore.sdk.pushclient.common.logger.DefaultLogger;
import ru.rustore.sdk.pushclient.common.logger.Logger;
import ru.rustore.sdk.pushclient.provider.AbstractRuStorePushClientParams;

public class RuStorePushClientParams extends AbstractRuStorePushClientParams {
RuStorePushClientParams(Context context) {

public Logger getLogger() {
return new DefaultLogger(Push.TAG);

public boolean getTestModeEnabled() {
return false;

public Map<String, Object> getInternalConfig() {
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(1);
map.put("type", "defold");
return map;

public ClientIdCallback getClientIdCallback() {
return Push.getInstance();

The implementation of the AbstractRuStorePushClientParams class should have only one constructor with one Context argument.

To initialise the push notification service, add a value to game_project of your project. Open it with your favourite text editor, then add it to your [android] section:

rustore_project_id = %your project id%
package = %your package%
  • your project idproject ID from RuStore Console. To get it, go to "Push Notifications" - "Projects" and copy the value into the "Project ID" field.
  • your package — name of Android package from RuStore Console. To get it, go to "Push Notifications" - "Projects" and copy the value in the Android Package Name field.

Default header and body settings

You can set default header and body values if not specified in the push notification's data field.

push_field_title = default push title
push_field_text = default push body

The push notification service starts automatically on Android devices when the set_on_token method is called:

Вызов метода set_on_token

Event logging

Events of sdk push notifications are logged by default. An object implementing the Logger interface is returned in getLogger of RuStorePushClientParams class, an implementation of the AbstractRuStorePushClientParams abstract class. The SDK uses the default implementation with AndroidLog if you don't pass Logger:````

Интерфейс Logger
public interface Logger {
void verbose(String message, Throwable throwable);
void debug(String message, Throwable throwable);
void info(String message, Throwable throwable);
void warn(String message, Throwable throwable);
void error(String message, Throwable throwable);
Logger createLogger(String tag);
Пример реализации логгера
public class DefaultLogger implements Logger {
private final String tag;
public DefaultLogger(String tag) {
this.tag = tag;
public void debug( @NonNull String message, Throwable throwable) {
Log.d(tag, message, throwable);
public void error( @NonNull String message, Throwable throwable) {
Log.e(tag, message, throwable);
public void info( @NonNull String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable) {
Log.i(tag, message, throwable);
public void verbose( @NonNull String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable) {
Log.v(tag, message, throwable);
public void warn( @NonNull String message, @Nullable Throwable throwable) {
Log.w(tag, message, throwable);
public Logger createLogger( @NonNull String newTag) {
String combinedTag = (tag != null ) ? tag + ":" + newTag : newTag;
return new DefaultLogger(combinedTag);
Метод getLogger
package ru.rustore.defoldpush;

import android.content.Context;

import ru.rustore.sdk.pushclient.common.logger.DefaultLogger;
import ru.rustore.sdk.pushclient.common.logger.Logger;
import ru.rustore.sdk.pushclient.provider.AbstractRuStorePushClientParams;

public class RuStorePushClientParams extends AbstractRuStorePushClientParams {
RuStorePushClientParams(Context context) {

public Logger getLogger() {
return new DefaultLogger(Push.TAG);

User segments

A segment is a group of users chosen based on specific criteria you set. For instance, it could include users who generate the most revenue or those using older versions of Android. Read more about the segments in MyTracker documentation.

To launch segments, use the set_client_id_callback method with CLIENT_ID_VALUE and CLIENT_ID_TYPE parameters:

local CLIENT_ID_VALUE = ""

  • CLIENT_ID_TYPE — ID type:
    • CLIENT_AID_NOT_AVAILABLE — advertising identifier is not used.
    • CLIENT_GAID — Google's advertising ID;
    • CLIENT_OAID — Huawei's advertising ID.
  • CLIENT_ID_VALUE — ID value.

Push token methods

Getting user push token

To get push tokens, subscribe to the new_token event using the set_on_token method:

local function new_token(self, token, error)
if token then

local function push_android()

The method will create and return a new push token if the user does not have one.

Deleting user push token

To remove push tokens, use the delete_token method:

Вызов метода delete_token
ruStorePush.delete_token(function (self, error)
if error then
print("Error deleting token: %s", error.error)
print("push token deleted")

Push topic methods

Push topic subscription

To subscribe to a topic, use the topic_subscribe method:

local TOPIC_NAME = "defold"

ruStorePush.topic_subscribe("defold", function (self, error)
if error then
print("Error to subscribe: %s", error.error)
print("subscribe to: defold")
  • TOPIC_NAME — topic name.

Unsubscribe from push topic

Use the topic_unsubscribe method to unsubscribe from a topic's message:

local TOPIC_NAME = "defold"

ruStorePush.topic_unsubscribe(TOPIC_NAME, function (self, error)
if error then
print("Error to unsubscribe: %s", error.error)
print("unsubscribe from: defold")
  • TOPIC_NAME — topic name.

Retrieving push notification contents

To get details about push notifications, add callback ruStorePush.set_on_message().

For push notification info, subscribe to the on_message event using the set_on_message method:

local function listener(self, payload, activated)
-- The payload arrives here.

local function push_android()
  • payload (lua table) — data field of push notification;
  • activated (bool) - information about the user going to the application via push notification.

Do not send push messages with notification and android.notification.title: They will be processed by RuStore and don’t operate properly, you can’t use them to go to the app.

Send data push with the following fields``

  • title — for push title.
  • message — for push body..

See also