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How to get a VK ID?

VK ID is a single account for all VK services. If you already have a VKontakte profile, it will automatically become your VK ID. If you already have a VKontakte profile, it will automatically become your VK ID.


If you do not want to link your RuStore Console account to a personal VKontakte profile or you do not have one, you can create a new profile and use it as a corporate one.

How to get a VK ID:

  1. Log in to your VKontakte profile.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Find the "Page address" block.
  4. Click "Edit" to see the page number if you previously assigned an alphanumeric identifier.

This is your VK ID.

If Google authentication no longer works in your account, try logging in again using another method: phone number, VK, Yandex or GosUslugi. Enter the same phone number you used to sign in. :::